It occurred to me that I want to record some of the letters I'm writing, and that others might be interested in reading them. So, here's the email I sent to the members of the Judiciary Committee today.
"I am writing to oppose S446 that is currently before the Judiciary Committee. I think that this laxing of gun regulations is a terrible idea as our country faces a gun violence crisis. This legislation has been sponsored in part by the NRA and for that reason alone, I would oppose it. As a victim of domestic violence and gun violence, I don’t want any legislation that would make it easier for an abuser to cross state lines and commit an assault or murder. As a Minnesotan, I don’t want other states deciding what gun carriers my state must accept. I ask that you vote no on S446 and do not pass this bill on to the Senate."
"I am writing to oppose S446 that is currently before the Judiciary Committee. I think that this laxing of gun regulations is a terrible idea as our country faces a gun violence crisis. This legislation has been sponsored in part by the NRA and for that reason alone, I would oppose it. As a victim of domestic violence and gun violence, I don’t want any legislation that would make it easier for an abuser to cross state lines and commit an assault or murder. As a Minnesotan, I don’t want other states deciding what gun carriers my state must accept. I ask that you vote no on S446 and do not pass this bill on to the Senate."