Thursday, May 24, 2018

Victims or Victimizers

Twitter user Nikhita Nookala said "mass shooters are never victims. they lose that card when they murder innocent people."

It reminded me of my ex, playing victim in court. Mentally ill, abused as a child, confused, having already served time.... He told a sob story. He was abused as a child, probably mentally ill, spent time in and out of jail. He needed services as a child, young adult, convict, and sexually deviant and immensely troubled adult. None of that excused what he did to me. None of that made him any less a perpetrator. That day in court, he was a criminal. While I know the "why" of his crimes, that makes him no less my abuser. Nothing that happened to him diminishes his crimes. That day in court, he was a hideous, conniving, pre-meditating monster. He is a would-be murderer, manipulator, liar. He destroyed me, robbed me of my safety, security, almost my life. For the rest of his life, he will be a criminal, monster, abuser. Every officer, therapist, social worker, employer will now treat him as a criminal. Which is what he deserves. He is still a victim, but first and foremost, he'll be a criminal. Someone to be afraid of. Someone treated with protocol, distance, caution. The deference that victims are treated with he will never receive. He is no longer a victim. He's a kidnapper.

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